Is DiffBlue Community License usable in a Non Internet Environment?

I am interested to evaluate Diffblue for the purpose auto generate unit tests for my code base.

Does the community edition Intellij plugin require an Internet connection to work?

I have seen mixed replies and threads in this forum. There was 1 that said there is a release that does not require an Internet connection while there are threads where users encountered Internet connection issues.

Thank you

Hi @tap

Thank you for reaching out.
Our community edition does require an internet connection to work, as will the Teams Edition (including Teams trial). This internet connection is used to validate licences, and collect anonymous usage statistics.
We do offer Offline use options via our Enterprise Licences.
If you would like to know more about our offline licensing contact our sales team:

Please let us know if there are any further questions, we are happy to help.

Kind regards,
Jane @ Diffblue