Not able to activate community edition license for diffblue cover plugin using intellij
IntelliJ version : IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.4 (Community Edition)
Diffblue version :2022.06.01-2022.1
While executing diffblue on the menthod to write test case , it shows the below error:
12:18:10 Starting “Write tests for method abc (2)”
12:18:10 Activation required: You have not activated your license yet. Click Diffblue and Activate License in the menu bar to activate your license. If you haven’t got a license key then go to Plans and Pricing | Diffblue and purchase a license.
Clicking on Use community Edition in Activate License the below error captured in logs:
11:58:35.131 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] C:\Users\ss63713.diffblue has permissions dir,read,write,exec
11:58:35.837 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] cannot resolve
11:58:35.838 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] cannot open connection
11:58:35.839 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] caused by
11:58:35.859 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] cannot resolve
11:58:35.859 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] cannot open connection
11:58:35.860 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.b] caused by
11:58:36.315 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.a] 1 * Sending client request on thread ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36
11:58:36.316 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36][c.d.cover.j.b.a] 1 > GET hardwareId=CC13-9A62-3B62-4693-F6B4-8FFE-63CC-259D-E7BF-575A-EA93-643D-3816-EFFC-9A02-ED2C
11:58:36.374 [WARN][AWT-EventQueue-0][c.d.i.plugin.f.a] Failed to activate Community Edition - Diffblue Cover Community Edition requires an active internet connection with
access to,
to authorize use of the plugin.
We cannot access one or more of these servers. This may be due to lack of an
internet connection, or a firewall, or there are some other security mechanisms
blocking this connection.
It looks like you are not running the latest version of Diffblue Cover or IntelliJ IDEA.
Please could you upgrade your IntelliJ from 2022.1.4 to the latest version 2022.2 and then please can you update Diffblue Cover from 2022.06.01 to 2022.08.05
Do you have a corporate proxy server? This needs to be configured in IntelliJ according to the instructions here:
Please let us know if you have any further questions, we are always happy to help
Downloading the software’s is not in our control. We have a tool in which we have these two IntelliJ Version
1: 2022.1 Community Edition
2: 2021.3.2 Community Edition
I have both, Could you please let me know which version of Diffblue Cover we can use which is licensed free and can able to run in these two above IntelliJ version.
I have checked my Proxy server : File | Settings | Appearance and Behavior | System Settings | HTTP Proxy. These is no proxy is checked.
Do you have a corporate proxy server? Yes, working on VDI
I have configured the same proxy as i have in my browser settings and also configured the custom properties with : dcover.disable.ssl.license.cert.check=true
18:12:24.153 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] C:\Users\ss63713.diffblue has permissions dir,read,write,exec
18:12:24.259 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] cannot resolve
18:12:24.266 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=8ca2657c50d036c01febac83ce61e6143b7149fd for
18:12:24.266 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=8ada9c57add0d127c323151c3352879b626383af for, OU=GSO, OU=CTI, O=Citigroup, L=Rutherford, C=US
18:12:24.266 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=d80a14542f91097715e6c3a2205d014ce0549ba5 for subject=CN=Citi Internal PAN Root CA, DC=nsroot, DC=net
18:12:24.506 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] cannot resolve
18:12:27.245 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=832244a24f7663ece3d3eccdb235327f2d9f536e for
18:12:27.245 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=3a5d32c3a62cefb54753a24b894674fb94aacb9f for, OU=GSO, OU=CTI, O=Citigroup, L=Delaware, C=US
18:12:27.245 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=d80a14542f91097715e6c3a2205d014ce0549ba5 for subject=CN=Citi Internal PAN Root CA, DC=nsroot, DC=net
18:12:27.422 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] cannot open connection
18:12:27.423 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] caused by Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL:
18:12:27.453 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 * Sending client request on thread ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57
18:12:27.453 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 > GET hardwareId=CC13-9A62-3B62-4693-F6B4-8FFE-63CC-259D-E7BF-575A-EA93-643D-3816-EFFC-9A02-ED2C
18:12:28.895 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 * Received server response on thread ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57
18:12:28.896 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < 200
18:12:28.896 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < X-Cache: CONFIG_NOCACHE
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < request-context: appId=cid-v1:f6be4304-576f-407c-aff8-dfef2ab6e00a
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < ETag: W/“1d-/L8TyC3tLYSlnlybj0ZOSTdYZ4c”
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < Vary: Origin
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < X-Azure-Ref: 0M/oRYwAAAAC2+rVH8af0RqNaPmem9GUpQ0hHRURHRTE2MTQAN2Y4OGI0NjQtOTI5Ny00ZWZjLTg0MjUtMWE4OTY5YmFkMWE1
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < Content-Length: 29
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2022 12:42:28 GMT
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < X-Powered-By: Express
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < – response (redacting parts of the license key) –
18:12:28.897 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 {“key”:“GML5-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX”}
18:12:28.898 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.a] 1 < – response complete –
18:12:28.899 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.f] activating CE License Key
18:12:28.902 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] C:\Users\ss63713.diffblue has permissions dir,read,write,exec
18:12:28.902 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] cannot resolve
18:12:28.909 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=8ca2657c50d036c01febac83ce61e6143b7149fd for
18:12:28.910 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=8ada9c57add0d127c323151c3352879b626383af for, OU=GSO, OU=CTI, O=Citigroup, L=Rutherford, C=US
18:12:28.910 [INFO][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.d.cover.k.b.b] fingerprint=d80a14542f91097715e6c3a2205d014ce0549ba5 for subject=CN=Citi Internal PAN Root CA, DC=nsroot, DC=net
18:12:29.218 [DEBUG][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.l.i.s.LicenseService] [LicenseClientAPI#activateLicence] —> POST HTTP/1.1
18:12:29.546 [DEBUG][ApplicationImpl pooled thread 57][c.l.i.s.LicenseService] [LicenseClientAPI#activateLicence] <— ERROR IOException: Failed to authenticate with proxy (328ms)
18:12:29.567 [WARN][AWT-EventQueue-0][c.d.i.plugin.g.a] License server unreachable - Check that you have an active internet connection and that any firewall rules
allow outbound connections to
Please could you upgrade to the latest version of Diffblue Cover - for some reason you are on an old version from June; please go to “File >> Settings >> Plugins >> Installed” and click “Upgrade”; you will then need to restart IntelliJ.
In more recent versions we have added further proxy authentication support that may help
I know that your company (who is already an existing customer) has very strict security - I suggest that you join our formal engagement so we can address this through your enterprise support arrangement.
Now I am using,
IntelliJ Version : IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.4 (Community Edition)
From IntelliJ marketplace when I searched for Diffblue it shows the below version to installed. So I have installed the below version.
DiffBlue Version : 2022.08.05-2022.1
Having Proxy configuration w
When i clicked on DiffBlue->ActivateLicence->Use Community Edition
This Url is not accessible:
caused by Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for licencing URl.
Licensing Url is not accessible for me even after updating the proxy and cert check =true.
As per the diffblue : 1. Ensure you can access licensing Url via a web browser; you should be automatically redirected to the Diffblue website if this is successful.
But in my case after clicking on the above licensing url it shows OK in my browser . it don’t redirect to Diffblue website
It looks like your proxy server requires authentication - have you configured proxy authentication? Can you also please click “Check connection” using the URL and again using the URL
The “Host name:” field should be populated with the proxy server host name; you should copy this from your web browser proxy settings otherwise here is a 3rd party page that explains where you might be able to find proxy server settings: Find Proxy Settings on Your Computer (for Local Testing parameters)
These options are organisation specific - is there an internal IT department you can talk with?
Please let us know how you get on; we are always here to help
Now I have taken the hostname from my IT Team and try to hit licensing Url which you have mentioned in above solution from Check connection. I am getting this error "
Problem with connection: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns “HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed”
It sounds like there are issues with your proxy server configuration - your IT department should be able to help - without access to your proxy server we cannot provide advice. I suggest you setup a call with them to work through the configuration; we are happy to join to help.
Yesterday I have tested the license Url’s in test connection , these are successful with http but throwing 405 method not allowed error with https. As I have seen these license url have https not http
Can you please let me know why 405 received with https
Apologies for the delayed reply, this likely to still be something with the proxy server configuration in your organisation. As Matt mentioned - your IT department should be able to help with this so we recommend to have a call with them to work through the configuration.
Since I have similar issue with activating Diffblue Plugin Community edition from IntelliJ community edition, I’m posting here. Hope that’s Ok!
I’m right now using IntelliJ Community edition(2023.1.2) and I’m unable to activate Diffblue community edition plugin and getting into an error. Configured dcover.disable.ssl.license.cert.check to true in IntelliJ System properties and still having the same issue. Appreciate any help/inputs in this regard.
Hi @PrasadB
Thanks for using Diffblue Cover and for getting in touch.
I’m sorry to hear you have not been able to activate your copy of the Diffblue Cover IntelliJ Plugin. If possible could you share the following information:
IntelliJ custom properties file from the IDE menu Help -> Edit custom properties...
Please confirm you have restarted the IDE since changing this setting
Please check you have followed all of the steps in the Diffblue documentation under Online license activation
Please share the Diffblue support log files
If you are still unable to activate Diffblue Cover, please let us know and we will investigate further.
Best regards
Peter Sear @ Diffblue