IntelliJ ultimate 2021.1.3 with Diffblue plugins and testNG

Hi all,
I’m using IntelliJ Ultimate version 2021.1.3 with Diffblue plugins. And I couldn’t find TestNG as Test Framework under File>Settings>Diffblue Cover. Reason I want to use TestNG as test framework, is because I want to generate test unit for Spring Web Application.
Kindly advice.
Thank you.

Hi @Xstraber_J

Thank you for reaching out

The reason you aren’t able to see TestNG as a Test Framework is that you are using a old version of Diffblue Cover that doesn’t support TestNG. The newest versions of the Diffblue Cover Plugin supports the two most recent version of IntelliJ. At the moment the latest Cover version 2024.01.02, supports IntelliJ versions 2023.3 and 2023.2 (see Specs & Recs for full details). Therefore, because your version of IntelliJ is from 2021, it means your version of Cover is a 2021 version too - TestNG support came in 2023.

I would recommend updating your IntelliJ to the latest version, which will then allow you to update your Diffblue Cover to the latest version which does support TestNG.

Kind regards,

Jane @ Diffblue

Thank you.

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