How to add resources path dependency to DiffBlue?

I have properties file under Resources folder for Spring Boot project. While generating tests for the Java classes, DiffBlue Cover is erroring out with code R26, stating its unable to find the properties file. How would you add properties file dependency to diffBlue, so that it can access it?

PS: I am using IntelliJ DiffBlue plugin to generate JUnits.

Hi Japan,

Can you please confirm the exact name and location of the properties file?
As we attempt to load, and if present use that. Otherwise, we will use the Spring Profile configuration option to load e.g. instead (assuming the test profile is specified)

Kind regards,
Jane @ Diffblue


Thank you, that does match where we would look for the properties file.
Are you please able to send the Diffblue log file for us to inspect - here is a guide on how to access it: Log file | Diffblue Docs

Kind regards,
Jane @ Diffblue