RFE: add Diffblue version to generated tests

i started using Diffblue about a year ago. The generated tests need to be enhanced a bit, so i cant use the (intended?) way to recreate all tests at a press of a button. The scarce 100 test/week further limit that, btw.
The tests generated by the current version of Diffblue look much different compared to the older tests.
For enhanced source documentation, i propose to (optionally by configuration parameter) include the Diffblue-version into the method-Javadoc of the generated test, somewhere above or below ‘method under test’.

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Hi Dieter,

Thanks for this suggestion!
To address some other points in your message:
Yes, we would suggest for users to recreate their tests when a new version of Cover comes out, as you eluded to, this is only possible on paid versions with an increased test allowance (see pricing page for test allowance details).

I definitely see your point how having the version of Cover could be useful to have noted. There are also other factors too that can influence tests; e.g tool configuration, or changes to the project. Your suggestion has been passed on to the product team.

Best regards,
Jane @ Diffblue