Diffblue with Spring WebFlux

I’m using Spring WebFlux on daily basis in work and I have wondered if I can use Diffblue Cover with WebFlux, unfortunetely, most of the tests are “partialy written” and even the ones that are created are not exactly valid too. Any chance from Diffblue to take this topic and add support for reactive stack?

Hi @nicklastrange,

Thank you for contacting us, we don’t currently support WebFlux (as you have discovered).
However, we are always improving Diffblue Cover so keep an eye out as it could be something we support in the future. In the meantime, it is not something we are currently working on but I have raised this again with engineering to consider.

Please feel free to contact us again if you have any issues, or feedback - we are always happy to hear your input!

Kind regards,

Jane @ Diffblue

Is there any plan for to support this in the near future?

Thank you for reaching out - support for Spring WebFlux is not something we have planned to support in the near future. This is primarily because it is not currently a priority compared with other feature requests received.

Kind regards,
Jane @ Diffblue